
David Pennant

COmposer, pianist and author David Pennant is great grandson of the well known English composer Sir John Stanier and has been treasurer of the Robin Milford Trust for many years.

Music Scholar at Cambridge (Trinity College 70 - 73).

Director of Music Chesham High School, Bucks (74 - 78).

Head of Music Carshalton High School for Boys (78 - 81).

Church of England training and PhD in Old Testament at Trinity College Bristol (81 - 86)

Curate at Bramcote Parish church, Nottingham (86 - 88).

Curate in charge of Brookwood and Mayford, Parish of St Johns in Woking, Surrey (88 - 93).

Head of Music St Andrews Prep School, Woking (93 - 94).

Piano Teacher (94 - today)

Interests include ComposingRadical Biblical Christianity and Family History.